Everyone has heard of PornHub. PornHub Gay Premium is the luxury version of the site. It has tons of HD gay porn videos that are submitted from brands all over the internet. PornHub gay premium is a video aggregator. That means that it gives exposure to all sorts of top gay porn brands in return for content submissions. These brands make content submissions frequently. That means that you can always expect something new and fresh from the likes of Reality Dudes, Str8chaser, Men.com, and Sean Cody. In addition, you’ll always get exposure to brand new gay porn brands that are looking for exposure.
PornHub Gay Premium Deal Score
PornHub Gay Premium is the undisputed top dog when it comes to premium gay porn tubes. For that reason, we rate this Gay PornHub Premium deal as a 10/10.
PornHub Gay Premium has a lot of content to look forward to. In addition to the best HD gay porn out there on the internet, the site also receives VR gay porn videos from the likes of VRB Gay. If you’re a nerd like us, you probably have a VR porn headset. A simple subscription to PornHub Gay Premium will give you access to the best 2D and VR porn all at once!
Valentine's Day free PornHub trials are a big deal. They commonly get a lot of notoriety with big media outlets. It was rumored that the site nearly fried its server with the traffic they received on Valentine's Day in 2019. We love that PornHub is this generous, but we have other news for you. You don’t have to wait for Valentine's Day to try PornHub Premium. You also can get it for a longer period than 24 hours for free. You’ve come to the right place.
You can try PornHub Gay Premium here. There’s a 7-day free trial and you don’t have to pay a dime! Knock your socks off trying the best that gay porn has to offer!
Videos: ★★★★★
Price: ★★★★★
PornHub Gay Premium Membership Pricing
PornHub Gay Premium Free Trial
PornHub Gay Premium is normally not free to try. Valentine's Day is typically the only day we see free trials to the site. Occasionally you’ll see PornHub open up this deal on Black Friday. Luckily for you, PornTrial.net is the leader in porn trial memberships. By being here, you can try 7 days of PornHub Gay Premium for FREE!
Brand |
Free Trial Available? |
Cheapest Trial |
PornHub Gay Premium | Yes | 7-Days - FREE |
PornHub Gay Premium Scenes
As mentioned earlier, PornHub Gay Premium gets submissions from top gay porn brands. You can expect to watch scenes from popular brands like Str8chaser, Reality Dudes, Men.com, Sean Cody, and many others. The scenes submitted are the full variety. You can expect your PornHub Gay Premium scenes to run anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This is some of the cheapest and best HD gay porn on the internet.
PornHub Premium Gay Login
Once you’ve decided you like your PornHub Gay Premium access, your trial membership will be converted and billed at the monthly rate. $9.99 is what you will be charged for your PornHub Premium Gay login until you choose to cancel! It’s a great service and is 100% worth a try.
Brandon Thompson is a childhood sexual abuse survivor who believes that all sexualities, kinks, and preferences should be respected as long as they are not criminal or exploitative. Aiming to clean up the image of the adult industry, he has helped over 200,000 people in 210 different countries find the premium porn sites that best suit them. The goal of Porn Trial is to help individuals save money and feel safe in their preferences. All Porn Trial content is SFW. This is something he swears by and is very proud of.